Here's some wavs for you to download if you would like
2dozroses.wav The song 2 dozen roses
ByeBye.wav A kid saying ByeBye
Beans.wav A funny commercial for baked beans
Badoldpc.wav Tweety saying bad old putty tat
Beer.wav Homer saying ummmmm beer
Demented.wav This is what happens when demented people play with powerful toys
Foxwothy.wav Jeff Foxworthy
Giggle.wav A kid giggling
Itsy-Bitsy-Spider.wav This is my son singing Itsy-Bitsy-Spider
Ladyinred.wav The song lady in red
Likitup.wav Kiss lick it up
Mansong.wav You need to hear this one
Womansong.wav This one too
Pmsing.wav a guy yelling oh my god she's pmsing run for it
Rodeo.wav The rodeo song
Stroken.wav The song stroken
Think.wav Curley saying I'm trying to think and nothing is happening
Wink.wav Neil McCoy's song wink
That's all for my wavs but here's some links to more